Monday, July 19, 2010

Fluid Visual Journaling

Getting unstuck with random collage and writing!  work quick! no thinking! 

I was having a creative block:  too much judgement,
hesitation, doubt in my fingers...having a gallery space
to show work can be motivating but also invites the critic
to the table;  is it good enough?, how will it look?, ...
will it sell?

Working in a visual journal could be a key, I thought, to
changing this mental space I was in (ugh)...something just
for me, that no one else could see, and wouldn't be for
sale nor have to be suitable for framing or hanging...

So, paradoxically, I post these images here for the public
eye, for you dear looker, but not to ask "is this ok?"
but to say "you can do this too!  we all can!"  and the critic
has taken a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I can really relate to this approach to getting unstuck. Sometimes it's necessary to get beyond "analysis paralysis," and this is an effective way of getting in touch with one's deepest source and moving along on one's unique path of creativity.
